The Ultimate Surf, No Turf Required

Friday, February 26, 2010

Dining and spending time near the ocean top my list of life's therapies. So to begin my first personal blogging journey, compliments of the Mag behind the Pie, I leave you with the first of many WRR's (Weekly Restaurant Reviews) - the Blue Door at The Delano, Miami Beach, FL. Feast your eyes on this pot of deliciousness:

Nothing sings surf better than the Blue Door's Brazilian Paella - a steaming pot of fresh seafood over a bed of saffron rice. They even threw on a lobster head for presentation! The combo of chunks of buttery lobster, rock shrimp, mussels & clams, and dozens of little calamari swimming mouth is watering just thinking about it. It's one of those dishes you just want to stare at and admire for a while. If I could hang it on my wall, I would. Find a way to recreate this dish, and I'm yours. Until then, my heart & stomach belong to Blue Door in SoBe.

Tip: When you make reservations, ask for patio seating. I'm all about ambiance, and the sound of ocean waves crashing as the sun's setting enjoying this perfect seafood dish...Well see, now you're day-dreaming too, right??


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