Piroshky Piroshky

Friday, June 4, 2010

Hello friends, I'm back! And what better way to make my return to Mag Pie's than to talk about a feast...in the literal sense. Before the fam ventured to Alaska, we were fortunate enough to spend a night in Seattle and visit the famous Pike Place Market. After brunching at Lowell's (tip: get a window seat on the 2nd or 3rd floor for breathtaking views of the Puget Sound), we stumbled across Piroshky Piroshky.

Although stuffed from a fantastic brunch, we were intrigued by the lines of people outside of this small shop and couldn't help but be lured in by the wonderful smells of yeast, cinnamon, cardamom, and other bakery goodness. This Russian bakery has more than 30 selections of sweet and savory treats, and it's name was inspired by the Russian word "pir" meaning "feast." Well, feast your eyes on this sweet treat, one of Piroshky's signatures:

The Apple Cinnamon Roll is made with fresh, locally grown Granny Smith apples. The combination of sweet dough, cinnamon and tart apples was the perfect treat, even for someone who doesn't have a big sweet tooth. See what I mean?

Had no problem finishing that one, with the help of my sisters of course ;) Oh, and best eaten warm and fresh from the bakery!

So, until our next feast, Pa-ka! (that's "bye" in Russian)


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