Peanut Butter Cheerios Treats

Monday, September 20, 2010

The bars are the result of not having a car in Chicago and relying on 7/11 for groceries from time to time.  I was in the mood to make rice krispy treats but all I could find at 7/11 were Cheerios.  The result -- Peanut Butter Cheerio Treats.  

Peanut Butter Cheerios Treats
Yields:  12 large treats

3 tablespoons real butter
1 (6 cup) packages mini marshmallows
1/2 cup peanut butter
5 cups Honey Nut Cheerios (toasted oat cereal)

1. Grease 13x9 inch pan.
2. Place butter in a BIG microwaveable safe bowl.
3. Add marshmallows and peanut butter.
4. Heat on high power for 2 minutes.
5. Stir until marshmallows are melted and smooth.
6. Pour in cereal.
7. Stir until well mixed.
8. Press mixture into prepared pan.
9. Allow to cool.
10. Cut into 12 big bars.


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