Sausage Egg Bake

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My family has had the same Christmas day brunch every single year, for as long as I can remember.  Sausage egg bake and monkey bread.  There is nothing complicated about this meal and it can be made in advance -- allowing for a morning spent lounging, opening gifts, laughing and just enjoying time together.  It would be equally as fitting for New Year's Day brunch.

This year was no different and I decided I finally had to share the recipe with you.  Over the years, the white bread has been replaced with wheat, pork sausage replaced with turkey sausage, eggs substituted with half egg whites but its still on the table every year.  I have included the original recipe below but it is easily adapted to suit your preference.

Sausage Egg Bake
Source:  Schlater family recipe
Yields:  8-10 servings

6 slices white bread without crust
1 1/2 pounds ground sausage
2 cups grated sharp cheddar cheese
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon dry mustard
8 eggs
salt and pepper

Lightly grease bottom of 9 x 13 inch pan.

Break bread into cubes and evenly distribute in the bottom of the pan.  Brown sausage and evenly layer over bread.  Layer cheese on top of sausage.

Beat eggs with milk, dry mustard, salt and pepper.  Pour egg mixture over bread, sausage and cheese.  Cover and refrigerate over night.  You can make up to two days in advance.

When ready to bake, preheat oven to 350 F degrees.  Bake for 40 minutes or until eggs are cooked through.


  1. My mom gave me the same recipe and we also serve it every Christmas morning. I use Pepperidge Farms herbed cubed stuffing for the bread. Yummy!

    Ann H.


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