Monday, April 26, 2010
I love love love guacamole and when I was at the store the other day and saw that avocados were 10 for $10, I couldn't resist! I have always made guacamole without a recipe and just added ingredients until it I thought it tasted good. This time I actually wrote everything down so I could share this yummy recipe with you. If you know anything about avocados then you know that they brown very fast. The key to keeping an avocado fresh once you cut it open is to leave the pit with the avocado (notice the above picture).
Source: my own recipe
Yields about 2 cups
5 ripe avocados, peeled and pitted (save pits)
1 roma tomato, diced
1/2 of a small red onion, diced
1-2 cloves garlic, minced
1 1/2 teaspoons lime juice
dash of minced onion
dash of seasoned salt
salt and pepper to taste
Combine all ingredients in a medium sized bowl and mash together with a fork. Easy enough!
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You could make it a bit more authentic, skip the minced garlic and add chopped Cilantro. Also what keeps the avocado from turning brown isn't the pit (that's just a myth). The juice from the lime is what does that. Try it on fresh grilled Red Snapper (if you're into fish). It's really-really good!.