Pumpkin Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting and Caramelized Pecans

Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy Birthday, Dad!

I was back in Columbus last weekend and I was so excited I would have the chance to make the perfect birthday cake for my Dad (even if it was a week early).  I love baking when I go back home -- its where I fell in love with baking!  My mom just so happened to make this Pumpkin Cake for a friend's birthday the week before and everyone loved it.  I wasn't surprised because who doesn't love pumpkin with cream cheese?  I was sold when I heard caramelized pecans.  

I actually never tried this cake because I had to scurry out the door to get to the airport.  I will take everyone else's word for it -- AMAZING.  Apparently the caramelized pecans were a hit... as in, people were picking them off of the cake.  Those tasty pecans were my mom's own creation -- I trust that pretty much any recipe she sends my way will turn out delicious.

Pumpkin Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting and Caramelized Pecans
Source:  my Mom

2 cups sugar
1 cup vegetable oil
4 large eggs
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups pumpkin puree or cooked mashed pumpkin

Combine sugar, vegetable oil, and eggs in a large mixing bowl; mix well. Sift dry ingredients into a separate bowl; stir into oil mixture, beating well. Stir in pumpkin puree.

Pour batter into two greased and floured 9-inch round layer cake pans. Bake at 350° for 35 to 40 minutes. Turn out onto racks to cool.

Caramelized Pecans
1 cup pecans
1 1/2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt

Melt butter on the stove over low to medium heat.  Add pecans and saute in butter for approximately 2 minutes.  Add brown sugar and salt and saute for 2 more minutes over medium heat.

Cream Cheese Frosting
1/4 cup butter
1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese, room temperature
1 pound confectioners' sugar, sifted
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Combine all ingredients in large mixing bowl; beat well until smooth. Makes enough for 2-layer pumpkin cake.  Frost pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting and top with caramelized pecans.


  1. Trust me Maggie the cake was delicious! Your dad was nice enough to bring it to work so that we could all enjoy it with him. And you are correct about the pecans - I couldn't get those boys to stop picking the nuts off the top ;) Yet another big hit at the office! Yum!


  2. made this for chelsy's bday today! it was a HIT! everyone loved it!


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