White Chocolate Cupcakes with Brown Sugar Frosting

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I love a good cupcake!  I find that some cupcakes are too crumbly and overpowered by sugary frosting.  These cupcakes are perfect -- not too sweet, a little bit on the "denser" side and great flavor.  

The brown sugar frosting would be perfect on any cupcake -- pumpkin, apple, chocolate, vanilla or my favorite -- red velvet.  Molly just so happened to use the same exact frosting on her Applesauce-Spice cupcakes (great minds think alike)!

White Chocolate Cupcakes with Brown Sugar Frosting
Source:  as found on Frankly Entertaining
Yields:  12 cupcakes OR 24 mini cupcakes

Cupcakes (from Cupcakes by Pamela Clark):
1 stick butter (8 tablespoons)
3 1/2 ounces chopped white chocolate
2/3 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup honey
2/3 cup milk
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/3 cup self-rising flour
1 egg

Pre-heat oven to 325 degrees.  Line standard 12-hole cupcake pan with baking cups.

Combine butter, chopped white chocolate, brown sugar, honey, and milk in a small pot.  Stir over low heat, until smooth.  Transfer mixture to medium bowl and let cool 15 minutes.

Sift together all-purpose flour and self-rising flour.  Whisk sifted flours into chocolate mixture, then add egg.  Divide mixture among the 12 baking cups.

Bake 30-35 minutes.

Brown Sugar Frosting (from Martha Stewart’s Cupcakes):
1 stick butter (8 tablespoons)
8 ounces cream cheese
1 cup brown sugar

With an electric mixer on medium-high speed, beat butter, cream cheese, and brown sugar until smooth.  Once cupcakes have cooled, frost as desired.

For an extra treat, sprinkle some fleur de sel sea salt atop the frosted cupcakes.  As you see, I topped with dark chocolate monogrammed "A's".


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