Not-Tuna Salad

Monday, January 16, 2012

I love finding new lunch ideas.  Ideally, I like to make some sort of soup or salad that I can make Sunday and will last me through the week.  This hasn't happened lately but its a new year and I'm really going to make a better effort.

In line with the new year/fresh start mentality, I did a 3-day juice cleanse last week.  Pre and post cleansing days are strictly fruits and veggies so really its more like a week long ordeal -- sounds BRUTAL, right?  In all honesty, it left me feeling great, kind of like I hit the reset button.  Would I do it again?  Probably not.  I'm glad I tried it but I really, REALLY missed meal time and the simple act of chewing.  Feel free to email me with questions!

Anyways, back to this salad.  As part of my "mental prep", I explored many vegan and raw food blogs in search of satisfying dinner ideas.  I actually discovered a lot of great recipes and meal ideas, including this "Not-Tuna Salad."  Simple, fresh flavors.  Treat it like tuna salad and you've got lunch.

Not-Tuna Salad
Source:  adapted from Oh She Glows, originally from Whole Foods
Yields:  3 cups

1 (15-ounce) can no-salt added garbanzos beans, rinsed and drained 
1/2 apple, cored and chopped 
1/4 cup finely chopped carrots 
1/4 cup sunflower seeds, toasted
2 tablespoons chopped dill pickle (or dill relish)
2 tablespoons finely chopped red onion 
1 teaspoon dijon mustard
1 teaspoon dried dill 
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 
Salt and pepper, to taste 

Pulse the garbanzo beans in bowl of a food processor just until coarsely chopped. Transfer to a medium bowl and add apple, carrots, toasted sunflower seeds, pickle, red onion, mustard, dill and lemon juice.  Stir until well combined. Season with salt and pepper and chill until ready to serve.


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