Vanilla Buttercream Frosting for Mag-Pie's Two Year Anniversary

Monday, February 13, 2012

I can't believe its been two whole years.  Thank you to those who have been following since the begin and welcome to those who have just discovered Mag-Pie's!

Now, let's talk about this frosting.  Best.Buttercream.Ever.  Seriously.  I tend to favor cream cheese frosting but I'm not so sure any more.  The cupcakes you see are How Sweet It Is "One Bowl Vanilla Cupcakes for Two".  The perfect little treat and so easy to make.

anilla Buttercream Frosting
Source:  Cupcakes from Primrose Bakery
Yields:  frosting for 15-20 cupcakes

8 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
1/4 cup 2% milk, at room temperature
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
5 cups confectioners' sugar, sifted
Food coloring (optional)

In a large mixing bowl, beat the butter, milk and vanilla until smooth (this can take several minutes).  Gradually add the confectioners' sugar and beat until the buttercream is smooth and creamy.

If you choose to add food coloring, start by adding one drop and beat thoroughly to achieve a pastel hue.  Add gradually to reach your desired shade.


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