Pumpkin-Cream Cheese Truffles

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

These little truffles are filled with pumpkin, gingersnaps and graham cracker crumbs -- what more could you want?  As with all truffles, there are a few steps that go into making these (mix, chill, roll, dip) but other than that, these come together relatively easy.  Plus, they look fancy and are sure to impress.

Pumpkin Cream Cheese Truffles
Yields:  approx. 30 truffles
Source:  adapted from Erin's Food Files, originally from Whole Foods

1/2 cup white chocolate chunks or white chocolate chips
1/2 cup gingersnap cookie crumbs, plus more for garnish
1/4 cup canned pumpkin purée
1/2 cup graham cracker crumbs
1 tablespoon confectioners' sugar
1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Pinch of salt
2 ounces cream cheese, softened
White Chocolate Almond Bark (4-5 squares melted)

Melt 1/2 cup of the white chocolate chips in a double boiler over medium-low heat or in the microwave for about 1 minute. Stir every 15 seconds to keep the chocolate from burning. Transfer to a large bowl. Add gingersnap crumbs, pumpkin, graham cracker crumbs, sugar, cinnamon, salt and cream cheese and stir until well combined (you can also beat with an electric mixer until smooth). Transfer to a shallow bowl, cover and chill until just solid enough to roll into balls, about 2 hours.

Line a large sheet tray with parchment paper.  Roll 1 heaping teaspoon of the pumpkin mixture into a ball in your hands and place on parchment paper.  Refrigerate until ready to dip in almond bark.

Melt almond bark in the microwave for approximately 1 minute, stirring every 15 seconds.  Working quickly, drop the truffles into melted almond bark and gently spoon chocolate over to coat. Using a small spoon or fork, lift the truffle out of the chocolate, shake off excess and transfer to prepared sheet tray. Dollop a bit of extra chocolate on any parts that remain exposed, then sprinkle a few gingersnap or graham cracker crumbs over the top, if you like. Repeat process with remaining pumpkin mixture and chocolate, then chill truffles until chocolate is completely set, about 1 hour.


  1. These look fantastic - what a perfect hostess gift for this holiday season!

  2. Erica Bensman10/30/2012 3:49 PM

    THESE were SO good!!! My room mates loved them and helped me devour these little morsels.


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